Support Services
Birth Assisting
The Licensed Professional Birth Assistants (LPBA) assists the Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) in creating a safe
and peaceful birthing environment with respect for the midwifery model of care. We believe in the ability of a woman’s body to birth and a baby’s body to transition to earthside life in a natural progression that is empowering to the mother and her partner. We do not judge a woman's preference of how or where she wants to labor and give birth and do not discriminate against any situation which may lead to different birth experience than she was anticipating. We embrace families of all walks of life!
The LPBA’s primary responsibilities are to assist the CNM clinically, including, but not limited to, preparing and maintaining a safe homebirth environment, obtaining fetal heart tones and maternal and newborn vital signs, assisting the CNM in any consented interventions or resuscitation measures for the mother or newborn, and completing a 48- to 72-hour postpartum assessment of the mother and newborn.

Basic birth assistant services are required as part of a LH&H homebirth standards of practice and care. Optional upgrade packages offer LH&H clients additional labor, birth, postpartum, newborn, and breastfeeding support and education.
Birth Assistant - Basic Services - $850 (required)
Your LPBAs will support you with the necessities for your homebirth and postpartum recovery. We will join your CNMs at your 36-week prenatal visit to meet you and your family as well as assist with the preparation of birth supplies. We will arrive upon the call of your CNM during active labor and remain through your birth and initial recovery period, about 2-3 hours after birth. We will provide one 2-hour postpartum visit 2-3 days after your baby is born as well as 2 additional hours of postpartum and lactation care scheduled to your needs.
Birth Assistant - Essential Package - $1,000 (optional)
Your LPBAs will support you with the standard we believe every mother deserves for your homebirth and postpartum recovery. We will join your CNMs at your 30-week and 36-week prenatal visits to meet you and your family as well as assist with the preparation of birth supplies. We will arrive upon the call of your CNM during active labor and remain through your birth and initial recovery period, about 2-3 hours after birth. We will provide one 2-hour postpartum visit 2-3 days after your baby is born as well as 6 additional hours of postpartum and lactation care scheduled to your needs.
Birth Assistant - Primiparous Package - $1,450 (optional)
Your LPBAs will support you with the knowledge needed for first-time mothers and partners to properly prepare for your homebirth and postpartum recovery. We will join your CNMs at your 30-week and 36-week prenatal visits to meet you and your family as well as assist with the preparation of birth supplies. We will present a private 3-hour education session in your home prior to 36 weeks to inform you of the physiologic birth process; what to expect from your birth team during labor, birth, and postpartum recovery; and different methods you can use to cope through your labor and birth. We will arrive upon the call of your CNM during active labor and remain through your birth and initial recovery period, about 2-3 hours after birth. We will provide one 2-hour postpartum visit 2-3 days after your baby is born as well as 8 additional hours of postpartum and lactation care scheduled to your needs.
Birth Assistant - Primiparous Plus Package - $1,600 (optional)
Your LPBAs support you with the Primiparous Package and include an additional private 2-hour education session in your home prior to 36 weeks to inform you on the postpartum period, newborn physiology and baby care, and breastfeeding and lactation.
* Only birth assistants approved by LH&H may be used for LH&H homebirth services.
* LH&H uses only licensed professional medical practitioners as assistants.
Birth Education and Postpartum Services
Beyond the clinical roles and responsibilities of a birth assistant, the RNs supporting LH&H can offer individualized postpartum, newborn, and
breastfeeding support and education.
Postpartum, Newborn and Lactation Care - $80 per 2-hour block (optional)
Your LPBAs will “mother the mother”, individualizing your postpartum care depending on your needs and wants, which may vary from physical comfort measures to emotional support to breastfeeding and lactation assistance to continuing newborn care and education to light housework to other possible personal requests.
Birth Education - $300 (optional)
Your LPBAs will present a private 3-hour education session in your home prior to 36 weeks to inform you of the physiologic birth process; what to expect from your birth team during labor, birth, and postpartum recovery; and different methods you can use to cope through your labor and birth.
Postpartum and Newborn Education - $200 (optional)
Your LPBAs will present a private 2-hour education session in your home prior to 36 weeks to inform you on the postpartum period, newborn physiology and baby care, and breastfeeding and lactation.

* Birth Assistant Services and Birth Education and Postpartum Services, and the guidance thereof, are the responsibility of the RNs
providing these services and not LH&H.
* Payments are made directly to the RNs providing the Birth Assistant Services or Birth Education and Postpartum Services